Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This is the first year of the Mad. Sq. Mark't (~ 25th & 5th) where you can find such treats as Fatty Crab, Cabrito, Hill Country, Suzette, and Viking Danish Cuisine, among others.

I homed in on the crepe place (Suzette) where I went with the chicken curry puff as well a fried banana smothered with nutella for dessert ($5 for both). I can't provide you with any pictures because I devoured everything in seconds. Deeeelicious. I hear the pumpkin puffs are also amazing... and then, of course, there are the crepes....

This gem and the rest of the "mark't" will be open until November 1st.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to check out the $75 giant pumpkins in the pumpkin house!
