Friday, October 16, 2009

Gettin our Ud-on

Three bloggers enjoyed udon for today (Alex was kind enough to sacrifice for the sake of blogging diversity). Since this will likely result in 3 entries, I am not going to speak to how delicious, cheap, hearty and satisfying this stuff is. I am just going to tell you where to get it. For the longest time when people would ask, I would say, "it's at the place next to the rainbow deli." I was always pushed for an actual name and came up short. But that wasn't going to cut it for the lunch blog, so I took it to the next level and did some research. When I first looked, I thought it must not have a name because it was seemly nowhere to be found. But then logic took over and I realized that everything has a name. So I took 5 steps back, stood on my very tippy toes and and scanned the back of the enormous green awning. There, in tiny, barely visible print: Lily Farm. What a lovely name. Unfortunately, this name is not going to help you unless you are at least 5'6 with 20/20 vision and have some time on your hands to search. So we are back to where we started. There is amazing Udon at a on 7th next to the rainbow deli. Go enjoy.

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